In the third wave though more and more number of people are affected, it is seen that the infection is mild. There are very few patients who are requiring hospitalization. This article is in continuation of the previous article on ‘Isolation of COVID 19 infected children at home’.
Treatment at home
- Care giver should be in continuous communication with the healthcare worker and any deterioration of symptoms should be informed immediately.
- Child should continue regular medicines for the previous illness along with medicines for COVID 19 infection.
- Utilize teleconsultation platform if required.
- Patient should follow symptomatic treatment prescribed by the treating doctor.
- If the fever is not controlled by 4 doses of paracetamol in a day, consult treating doctor.
- Do not self medicate.
- Give plenty of liquids.
Time to seek medical attention immediately
- Unresolved high grade fever (more than 100F for more than 3 days)
- Oxygen saturation below 92 % on three occasions during an hour or fast breathing. (please check the previous blog for breathing rate in children)
- Persistent pain/pressure in the chest
- Severe fatigue
- Mental confusion or inability to arouse.
Discontinuation of home isolation
Isolation can be discontinued 7 days after testing positive or 3 days after resolving of fever. They shall continue wearing a mask and observe hand hygiene. There is no need of retesting after isolation period is over.