What are early dental caries (ECC)?
Any cavity forming or non cavity forming caries under the age of six years are called ECC.
Why it is important to treat ECC?
It is found in the studies that ECC or poor oral hygiene would lead to caries in the permanent teeth. Treating ECC early would lead to prevention of caries in the later erupting permanent teeth.
When can the brushing of teeth should start?
Brushing of teeth twice a day is advised from the eruption of first primary (milk tooth) tooth itself. There are many fluoride free and toothpastes containing less fluoride are available. It is recommended to use small rice grain size toothpaste for children below 3 yrs. From 3 yrs to 6 yrs, pea sized toothpaste should be used for brushing. Toothbrush should be soft and age appropriate.
When should be the child’s first visit to the dentist?
Within 6 months of eruption of first milk tooth, but not later than 1 year of age. This visit is important to assess risk of caries in children.
Which dietary changes need to be done to prevent dental caries?
• Eliminating baby bottle beyond 12 months of age, especially if it is frequent and nocturnal.
• Encouraging infants between 6 to 12 months of age to drink 120ml to 180ml water everyday.
• Avoiding sugar in foods and drinks in children below 2 years of age.
• Limiting fruit juices to 120 ml in children below 4 years of age.
Is parental dental health is important for prevention of caries in children?
Yes. It is found that the bacteria which are responsible for causing dental caries are carried from parents to children, risking them for caries. It is of utmost importance that parents should also have and practice good dental hygiene.
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Policy on early childhood caries (ECC): Consequences and preventive strategies. The Reference Manual of Pediatric Dentistry. Chicago, Ill.: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry; 2021:81-4.