Diarrhea is one of the most common ailments in children.  Children below five years of age group suffer most.

Diarrhea is commonly linked to teething. However, this is not true. Diarrhea is an infection of intestines due to soiled food or water.


  1. Drink boiled and filtered water
  2. Avoid street food
  3. Avoid ice made from tap water
  4. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption. When traveling avoid raw salads and eat only fruits which can be peeled
  5. Never eat raw or undercooked meat or sea food
  6. Give rotavirus, hepatitis A and typhoid vaccination as per schedule


Frequency of diarrhea does not matter as much as hydration status of the baby.  Diarrhea is a result of an infection. There are no medicines to stop diarrhea in children. As mentioned above, child should not be dehydrated.  To prevent dehydration, WHO ORS solution is very important. Give as much as child wants. If he vomits ORS, wait for some time and give it again.

The other medicines which are given for diarrhea are for recovery of normal intestinal lining and flora. Zinc supplements are given for 2 weeks which help in healing of intestinal lining and prevention of further episodes of diarrhea.

Many a times probiotics are given along with ORS and zinc supplements. They help in recovery of healthy intestinal flora.