Healthy sleeping habits in children
Do your children stay awake till wee hours? Do they have difficulty in falling asleep? If yes, then these 12 tips would help you to develop healthy sleeping habits in your children.
1. Start early : Children start developing sleep routine from infancy itself. It is always better that we start bedtime routine from 8-9 months onwards. Sleep requirements differ in every child. Some children sleep for longer hours, some are happy sleeping for shorter hours. Bedtime and wake time need to be customized as per child’s sleep requirements.
2. Set a bedtime routine : Taking the warm bath, changing into night clothes, brushing teeth before bedtime, would set up a bed time routine for children. One this is set up, children feel comfortable to sleep.
3. Regular sleep and wake time : Early to bed, early to rise makes man healthy wealthy and wise. Inculcate these values in children. Speak to them about benefit of going to bed early. The fix sleep and wake time would also help in setting a biological clock in children. The time should be followed on holidays as well with a buffer time of 1 hr.
4. Relax before bedtime : Angry, anxious, excited children would find it difficult to sleep. All these emotions should be avoided an hour before bedtime. Soothing music, reading a book would help in inducing sleep in children.
5. Safe environment : Children should feel safe before going to bed. Reassure children that you are next door, if they need anything. Avoid scary stories post evening. If they are afraid of dark, turning the night light on would make them feel safe.
6. No screen time 2 hrs prior to sleep : The LED light emitted from gadgets, confuses brain that it is a day time. Shut down all electronic devices 2 hrs prior to bedtime. Avoid placing these devices in children’s bedroom.
7. Avoid loud noises and lights : Loud noises and bright lights reduce melanin secretion in the brain, thus delaying sleep.
8. Warm milk : Milk is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid which is precursor of serotonin. Serotonin regulates mood and sleep. A glass of warm milk before bed, would help in better sleep quality.
9. Cut down on afternoon nap : Children need afternoon nap till the age of 3-5 yrs. The afternoon nap can range from 30 mins to 2 hrs, provided the child sleeps early in the night. If child takes more than 30 mins to sleep at night, that means the child sleeping for longer hours in the afternoon, waking up late in the morning or afternoon nap is taken late in the afternoon. Avoid these all three mistakes made commonly by parents. Older children do well without afternoon nap.
10. No sweets, chocolates : High sugar impairs sleep quality. Chocolates, coffee are rich in theobromine and caffein respectively, which are brain stimulants. Avoid these before bedtime.
11. Exercise and activity : Exercise and activity both are very important for physical wellbeing and sleep. More active is the child, more tired he gets and sleeps early.
12. Healthy dinner : Over eating and under eating both are problem for healthy sleep. Over eating would make child feel uneasy throughout the night, affecting the sleep quality. Hungry child would wake up frequently due to hunger. Hearty whole grain dinner is best to be eaten 2 hrs prior to bedtime.
Such a thoughtful and important tips for every parent ,thank you doctor
Please post more such blogs
Good information as always