First of all, congratulations for arrival of new family member. This blog would guide you about how to take care of a baby for first 6 months

Breast feeding: 

  • Mother’s milk is the best milk for the baby. Once the baby is born, establish breast feeding as early as possible.
    In case of normal delivery, breastfeed within 30 min of delivery and after Caesarian delivery within 4 hours of delivery.
  • In any case, breast feeding is not possible, discuss with your paediatrician for the further plan of feeding.
  • Baby needs to be given exclusive breast feeding till completion of 6 months. No water, gripe water, honey, janamgutti whatsoever.
  • Once fed, burp the bay for 15-20mins. Even if baby burps in 5 mins, keep baby upright for 15 – 20 mins.
  • There are many ways to burp the baby. Most common is keeping the baby upright, supporting his head on your shoulders and patting the back gently. Vigorous patting does not lead to earlier burping.


  • Gentle massage is soothing for the baby. You can start massaging after first week of delivery.
  • Either coconut oil or olive oil is recommended for massaging.
  • Once massaged, wash off oil from the body with soap and water. Please do not leave traces of oil on the body, this is a common reason for the rash.
  • Do not apply besan, powder, milk, ghee etc. No Kajal in the eyes or oil instillation in the nose or ears.
  • For the detail demonstration on how to massage and bathe a baby, please follow these links. ,


  • Stick to pure cotton / muslin clothes only, including blankets and baby wraps.
  • Swaddling baby tightly is not necessary


  • Nappies are very skin friendly, but very cumbersome for mothers as well as babies.
  • Disposable synthetic diapers are not much skin friendly, however very convenient.
  • Cloth diapers are skin friendly, convenient as well as easy on pocket.
  • For using at home, these are best.
    What do I advice?
  • Use cloth diapers at home with 2-3 hrs of diaper free time in the morning and evening, where nappies can be used. For outing, use disposable diapers with ample of diaper rash cream, as cloth diapers can be messy.

Newborn screening

  • Certain investigations are advised at the time of delivery or after 72hrs of birth, these are called newborn screening tests, which include battery of investigations. Most important ones are blood group, TSH (thyroid test), G6PD.
  • 1 in 3000 to 5000 babies born in India may have thyroid abnormalities at birth. Thyroid hormone is important for development of brain in babies.
  • G6PD is an enzyme found in red blood cells, which help them to stay intact in case of oxidative stress, like ingestion of certain medicines. Detection of deficiency of G6PD at birth, would help in guiding the drug prescription in the

Oral vitamin D supplementation

  • All babies who are breastfed, are given oral vitamin D supplementation for first year of life.


  • At birth, BCG, Oral polio and Hepatitis B first dose is given.
  • For further vaccination schedule, please discuss with your pediatrician.
  • I am very sure your bundle of joy is going to keep you on your toes for next couple of years. Hope this blog would put you at ease.